Linked up with my boy Pauly B for a Bry-Chella super fun, super sunny savage surf sesh. The goon squad was in full effect with Gavo the book worm, zilly, Bruno Mali, muzzy, E, Mrs. Dr. Staddleman and late comer L L. We had a few coolers of ice pops, sandolos and extra curriculars. Then met up with brychella himself. Colorado and her friend kimbo slice. Steffi P came down for a squish too. After all these god damn introductions the day went like this. Sputtered down the 405 to Baseline then waited in a line. Sunned the hell outta ourselves, caught some rollers, danced in the sand to Depeche Mode, took some tequila blasters and watched the sunset. Got to Bry-Chellas main stage just as the sun set and cooked a ass ton of meats and drank rum like Zack did once 40miles out. Woke up with cat hair in my proboscis and sneezed. I love you Brychella.
Side note... I was tucked in the whole damn time.