Sunday, June 20, 2010

Stampd' Los Angeles

Went out to Stampd LA headquarters last week after I got a text from the man behind the monkey mask...He reeled in a pair of kicks made just for a man like me....He said I looked a bit like an Aussie and I got pissed.  Did some toe dancing, slapped Stamp a high 5 and scooted on.  Saw this tag on a dumpter diver and slapped up next to it.

If you wanna get yourself a pair of these fine toe savers go over to Stamps place and rob his ass blind.  Or check this

Monday, June 14, 2010

Team Beef Cake

Did the HB open water swim race over the weekend under Team Beach.  Pretty rad.  Our team won the damn thing...first shot for me went 14.12. 

Rude Boi!