Wednesday, March 20, 2013


and we still are.  This little clip is the beginning of it for prolly every surfer dude out there.  Being nostalgic is fun.  Remember seeing this?  I do.  Every time I went outside of Huntington I thought I'd find Cape St. Franny.  Still haven't but enjoyed every trip trying to (except the ones I went on with Poser, those sucked, cuz we never actually surfed.  Just ate slim jims and chased punchy right handers).  Keep searching.  Even if all you find is dried meat.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Stop 1............Takes the trophy

Slater is the MAN...............

Sorry Cooly kids..........................................

Bald bad boy for life.......................................................................

Fool got burned at his homebreak.  This season has the familiar odor of old.  AI v Kelly?  Parko V Kelly.

See your ass at Bells

Thursday, March 7, 2013



Monday--> SSHB

Thursday--> RINCI's