Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Burnt plastic sheets

Ok, this is a three part deal here. First, my sheets smell like burnt plastic. They were fine before I put them in the spin cycle. Zill did his and they smell fine. Redid mine. Burnt crack pipe sheets. This is becoming an issue....

Topic two, this tube on surfline is outta hand. How do these guys survive the beat downs? That's slabbing on a shelf they claim is "soft".

Finally I went to the Internet for some virtually inspiration and had a field day. This blog called endlessme.tumblr is super super good. It's a club sandwich. Motorbikes, rock gods, hippy ass views, and 70's muff. I stole a few photos and found a laundry list of other good spots to waste my life...

I'm gonna make that thing right above...

This is my list. Full dork status so I won't forget.

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